Sunday, June 9, 2013

* What to Do When You're Dating a Jew : Everything You Need to Know from Matzah Balls to Marriage

What to Do When You're Dating a Jew : Everything You Need to Know from Matzah Balls to Marriage

Learn everything you need to know about the holidays, traditions, beliefs, and culture of the Jew you love . . . and his or her family. From what to order in a Kosher deli to what to wear to a Purim party, this book answers all the questions you'll face as the love interest

humorous and lite
When I first saw this book, I was conflicted, maybe even insulted. But in reality, as a member of the Jewish faith, I am not the book's target. With an American rate of intermarriage that grows higher each decade, this book can't hurt. It can only help to make non-Jewish partners and spouses more comfortable among members of the North American, culturally Jewish tribe. The authors, 31, know a tad about their chosen subject. They have dated non-Jewish men most of their adult lives. Jennifer Block married a non-Jewish spouse, while Vicki Weiss' three siblings all married non-Jewish spouses. The authors witnessed first hand the questions these dates and spouses raised, and the social faux pas they made in front of older family members (you know, like ordering cheese and ham in a kosher deli, bringing bread to a seder, using mayo, buying retail, etc.). If the preceding line in parentheses irritates you, then this book will just enrage you. The book provides an overview and...

What to Do When You're Dating a Jew : Everything You Need to Know from Matzah Balls to Marriage is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

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