Saturday, May 25, 2013

>> Straight Talk About Teen Dating If I'd only known the truth about . . .: A guide to dating from a Christian perspective for pre-teens and teens Second Edition

Straight Talk About Teen Dating If I'd only known the truth about . . .: A guide to dating from a Christian perspective for pre-teens and teens Second Edition

Written by a school counselor who talks with students about their relationship problems on a regular basis, Straight Talk About Teen Dating communicates important information about a God-centered approach to dating that is an alternative to the devastating approach to dating

about "straight talk.."
Jim Wegert has written a book that should be especially valuable for Christian youth groups, pastors and youth group leaders. He gives a fundamental rationale for avoiding the pitfalls of dating. He makes the point that understanding yourself and your relationship to Jesus Christ is the basis for eventually being able to have a truly effective and satisfying life including relationships. This also makes one capable of sharing oneself without compromising one's morality, and leads one to choose to date members of the opposite sex who have a similar world view.

He makes his case well, but could have illustrated his points with more detailed examples from his own life and those of others. Just a few detailed anecdotes in thr right places would have helped.

The book will not engage those who are definitely opposed to Christian doctrine, but should strike a chord with teens who have grown up Christian and are struggling with the values of the world.

Straight Talk About Teen Dating If I'd only known the truth about . . .: A guide to dating from a Christian perspective for pre-teens and teens Second Edition is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

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