Monday, March 4, 2013

~ Stop Dating Jerks!: The Smart Woman's Guide to Breaking the Pattern & Finding the Love of Your Life

Stop Dating Jerks!: The Smart Woman's Guide to Breaking the Pattern & Finding the Love of Your Life

Are you ready to find true love, but afraid you'll make another painful mistake? Do you want to wise up, once and for all, and choose the right man for you? Unlike the vast majority of dating books currently out there, Stop Dating Jerks! The Smart Woman's Guide to Breaking t

Pin-pointing Mr. Wrong
What stood out for me in this book, "Stop Dating Jerks" is, that it was easy to read, and hard to put down. I think the way Dr. Nowinski broke down the sections, articulating the good and bad characteristics of his six categories of men, made it a much different experience of finding a partner. The way this book describes relationships, is not to set a trap, to go out hunting, to feel trapped, but from the persepective of the woman. There are distinctions between what is a characteristic that can be worked around or compromised with, or one to stay clear of! To be able to recognize that women have qualities that are special, and aren't defined by someone else's yardstick. For me, I feel this book is for women to be more introspective and to define what we bring to the table. We are just as much a voice of being in a partnership, and not beholden, or waiting for someone to validate us. It is important to realize that we do have choices, and sometimes as emotional beings, we...

Stop Dating Jerks!: The Smart Woman's Guide to Breaking the Pattern & Finding the Love of Your Life is one of best selling in Dating category.

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