Sunday, March 3, 2013

^ All Men Are Jerks - Until Proven Otherwise: A Woman's Guide to Understanding Men

All Men Are Jerks - Until Proven Otherwise: A Woman's Guide to Understanding Men

Some of the strongest, most self-confident women have a secret weakness: they need men! As independent and as experienced as these women might be, they seem to lose their common sense when a man acts nice, says the right things, and helps satisfy their emotional and physical

The author blames others for her own poor choices
The statements made in this book are one-sided and created from a rejected, lonely soul. This book is a way for the author to prop up her ego by blaming others (men), and gives the author a way to avoid looking at her own self and her past failed choices in the guys she's dated.

The first few chapters are the best. The give the premise of "why men are jerks". The author runs workshops on this topic, and this book quotes some of her female attendees.

The author states "she has dated a lot of jerks". She quotes her attendees who have also dated jerks. Then she muses "After dating jerks time and time again, and having it end the same way every time, I stopped and asked myself `Why do I keep dating jerks?'"

The reason she kept dating jerks? She likes a guy with a "perfect body" (her words), stylish clothes and haircut, confidence and the ability to talk their way into her bed. And from this group of men, she's decided "all men are jerks".
No, all...

All Men Are Jerks - Until Proven Otherwise: A Woman's Guide to Understanding Men is one of best selling in Interpersonal Relations category.

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